a drop in the digital ocean: blog

Hello and welcome to the blog! Here you can find a current total of 56 postings about making, robotics, micro-controllers, coding and other such stuff.

Sheldon 2.0 - Bumper and Headstock

Happily I managed to get quite a lot done on the Sheldon 2.0 upgrade this weekend. Primary focus was that cleaning up the wiring...

RIP Sheldon 1.0 - Hello Sheldon 2.0

Today is a sad day, poor little Sheldon the wonderbot 1.0 is no more. Due to a design floor several of his wires came loose whilst traversing the kitchen step and the rest as they say is history...

How to pair two XBee Radios

Recently a resulting factor of a new hobby project was the need to revisit the pairing of Xbee radios. The last time I had to undertake such a task...

Arduino Xbee Shield mod for Netduino

This is a very quick post detailing how I modded my netduino to be compatible with the arduino xbee shield...

Netduino SerialPortHelper to WinForm and XNA

A few weeks ago, I was contacted via YouTube in reference to the Netduino Serial Communication example I posted a while back...

Very Simple Kalman in C#

I have decided to take a break from all things Kinect after the disappointment of a none SDK release yesterday...

NetduinoPlus SD Card Example

I was contacted the other day with a request for some help with code needed for use of the NetduinoPlus SD Card...

Netduino Flex Sensor Example

Here we have another Netduino Sensor example. This time I am going to show you how to wire up a Spectra Symbol flex sensor as retailed by Sparkfun Electronics....

Netduino Accelerometer Input Sample

The following is a simple example detailing how to interface of a Sparkfun ADXL 335 breakout board with a Netduino...